Why your website can benefit from a redesign

Now that the economy is slowly starting back up, many businesses are finding the need for web design services to update their website.
In these ever-changing times, you may find that some content on your website is no longer relevant, or you need to update product prices. Perhaps you need to redesign your store front – or maybe you need to revamp your entire website!
While marketing and design might not be high on your current list of priorities, it shouldn’t be forgotten about. For your business to thrive, you need to provide your visitors with the best experience possible when they visit your website.
So let’s take a look at some of the ways you can benefit from updating your website’s design.
How can UKHost4u help?
Here at UKHost4u, our focus has always been helping you grow your business and expand your reach. We’re always here to help you get online with a stunning, professional website.
To help you get started we’re currently offering an incredible 50% off all of our professional web design plans!
Starting at just £200, we’ll design your website from the ground up, and create a beautiful, appealing website. Or, if you just need to revamp your current website – no problem!
Increase engagement
Customer engagement is at the core of any successful website. When a user visits your website and stays on web pages for a long period of time, interacting with elements or simply absorbing the design and information – they are engaging with the website. Engagement is a way of describing how interested your visitors are in your website, and how likely they are to stick around!
It doesn’t take a genius to guess that having a poor, unwelcoming, ugly looking website is bound to turn visitors away. After all, would you stay on a website if you can’t find what you’re looking for, and the design looks awful?
What many fail to understand is just how important having a good design is to website engagement. Think of the most popular websites you use the most – chances are they will all be designed well. Now imagine if they weren’t! You probably just wouldn’t use them.
If you want to improve your customer engagement then a visually appealing, clear, professional looking website can massively help.
Bring in more new customers
As a business, one of your highest priorities should always be to bring in new visitors and expand your customer base. The look of your website has a large part to play in this.
Designing your website to a high standard shows visitors, and potential customers, that your business is professional, trustworthy, and worth checking out. It shows that you’ve put time and thought into your website, that you’ll provide a solid service to your customers, and that your business should be taken seriously.
We’ve already explained how bad design causes visitors to lose engagement and interest in your website – this has a similar effect for potential customers. If they see an ugly looking website, they are much more likely to look somewhere else for that product or service!
Improve mobile responsiveness
Mobile users make up the overwhelming majority of all website visitors in this day and age. This means that your website needs to be fully responsive and completely usable on all types of mobile devices.
Mobile responsiveness is when all elements of the website are fully usable and interactive, on mobile devices of different types and screen sizes. All navigational buttons, menu options, links, images, and interactive media should work fully. The browsing experience should be seamless and smooth , to match the desktop version.
Having a fully responsive website is absolutely essential, otherwise you’ll be effectively shutting out a huge portion of your website users and in turn, potential customers.
Update your branding
Branding is one of the cornerstones of a good website, and you should always strive to keep your branding updated and relevant.
Often website administrators and marketers alike underestimate how important branding is to your website’s success. It’s essential that you differentiate yourself from the competition and carve a unique identity for your business.
Your logo, banner image, colour scheme, graphic design, and social media integration will make up the bulk of your website’s branding. While this might not be at the forefront of your efforts, you shouldn’t forget to keep these elements fresh, relevant, and updated!
Optimise your website for SEO
A large majority of your website visitors will be discovering your website through the use of search engines like Google and Bing. Before your website appears in the search queries of your users, you should invest some time into optimising your website for SEO.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is no small task, and due to Google’s constantly changing algorithms it can be a time consuming mission. Often companies hire an expert to do it for them and while this is certainly a viable option, there are a few straightforward steps you can take yourself to optimise your website.
Mobile responsiveness is especially important here, as Google highly favors responsive websites. You should make sure to research and use the correct keywords in your website text. Images should have relevant alt attributes, and you should check all of the links on your website work. Make sure to use meta-descriptions wisely, and most importantly – make sure your website loads quickly!
In Conclusion
Great design should always be at the forefront of your mind when you revamp or update your website, in order to reach your website’s full potential and grow to a larger audience.
At UKHost4u we’re happy to help, and with our professional web design packages we can design your website from just £200!
Contact us today to see what we can do for you.