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Elastic CentOS VPS Hosting

Community Enterprise Operating System (CentOS) is a free community-centric project that has open-source code sent from RHEL Linux distribution.
Because of consistent community contribution, CentOS gives enterprise-level stability powered by sturdy performance and indicates a trustworthy, low-maintenance, safe option for conducting VPSs.
CentOS VPS Hosting
To conveniently adjust your own CentOS Elastic VPS within the platform, sign in to your UKHost4u account and open the Environment Topology wizard.
A suitable case such as CentOS 7.9 can be seen inside the tight VPS section at the bottom-left section of the Environment Topology wizard.

UKHost4u offers a set of built-in tools for putting some common settings to your VPS case straight from the cloud dashboard interface. You might need to access it through SSH for tougher configurations. This can be achieved via UKHost4u SSH gate or using any third-party software with the help of a Public IP address.