It’s widely known that WordPress is the most popular Content Management System on the planet, in fact over 33.3% off all websites hosted worldwide are run on WordPress. What might surprise people however, is the sheer amount of hacking attempts to WordPress websites every day. Hackers target WordPress websites both big and small, with over […]
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Select Your Perfect Domain Name For Brand & SEO
A Top Tier Guide On How To Select Your Perfect Domain Name Most marketing and business professionals agree: your website is your most important marketing tool. Choosing a domain name is one of the most consequential decisions you’ll make. Your website and its accompanying domain name (also known as a URL or web address) represent […]
How Fail2ban Works to Protect Services on a Linux Server
Any service or application connected to the internet is potentially vulnerable to attacks from malicious parties. Internet admins and web developers are no strangers to hacks and security compromises – regardless of the type of service being hosted. One common example of this is with Secure Shell, or SSH. SSH is used to access the […]
How to troubleshoot common HTTP error codes?
When you try to access a web server or a web application, every HTTPS request received by a server is answered with an HTTPS status code. The HTTP status codes are composed of 3 digits and grouped in 5 different classes. These status classes can be quickly identified thanks to the first digit as below: […]
10 SaaS tools to ease your daily business tasks
Running a business is no small feat, but with SaaS tools you can simplify your working day. These are our top 10 SaaS tools for any business.
How to Create Database, Tables, Data Types in MySQL?
In this article, we will describe how to do some of the most common MYSQL database administration tasks from the command line using the mysql command line tool. Note: this doesn’t cover the MySQL management tools included within the base cPanel installation. MySQL- Overview MySQL is the most popular open source relational database management system […]